Data wrangling with tidy
The Course
This course introduces the tidyverse collection of packages for R, and outlines some of their key ideas and functions.
The course is presented as both HTML and Rpres markdown (to allow for intergration of the presentation in the RStudio enviroment itself). Exercises and answer sheets are included after all subsections to practice techniques and provide future reference examples.Course material and exercises are available to view as rendered HTML at
All material is available to download under GPL v2 license.
Setting up.
Install R.
R can be installed from the R-project website.
R 3.6.0 or higher is recomended for this course.
Install RStudio.
RStudio can be installed from the R-project website.
Install required packages.
Option 1 - (For your own personal computers)
Having downloaded R and RStudio, some additional packages are required (rmarkdown and ggplot2).
To install these,
- First launch RStudio
- Install the packages in the R console using devtools
install.packages("devtools",dependencies=TRUE) devtools::install_github("rockefelleruniversity/RU_tidyverse",subdir="rutidyverse",build_vignettes=TRUE)
Option 3 - (For anywhere)
Having downloaded R and RStudio, some additional packages are required (rmarkdown and ggplot2).
To install these,
- First launch RStudio
- Install the packages in the R console using install.packages
install.packages("tidyverse",dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("broom",dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("",dependencies=TRUE) BiocManager::install("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene",dependencies=TRUE)
Download the material
The material can either be downloaded through this link as a zip, or by running this command in temrinal:
wget ./
The workshop
Link to HTML presentation - WorkshopLink to single page, printable HTML - Workshop
Link to R code included in presentation - Workshop