class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Introduction to R, Session 2
### Rockefeller University, Bioinformatics Resource Centre ###
--- ## Recap ?? can add a recap to link to keypoints in first session?? Session 1 covered introduction to R data types and import/export of data. - [Background to R]( - [Data types in R]( - [Reading and writing in R]( --- ## Same stuff ??More content for second session?? --- ## Time for an exercise! Exercise on functions can be found [here](../..//exercises/exercises/MyExercise3_exercise.html) --- ## Answers to exercise. Answers can be found here [here](../..//exercises/answers/MyExercise3_answers.html) Rcode for answers can be found here [here](../..//exercises/answers//answers/MyExercise3_Answers.R)