These exercises are about ??Add a summary of the topic?? ??Topic Name??.
Exercise 1 - ??Ex 1 title if it has one??
## Add the solution in here. This will only be included in the exercise sections. This is controlled by the echo=toMessage in the markdown header ie:
cat("Hello World")
## Hello World
## [1] 3
## If your questions are too labor intensive to actually do during compilation you can add eval=F to the markdown header.
## A caveat of using eval=F is you cannot check the code is running accurately, so it is good to at elast double check it yourself first
## If any subsequent chunks rely on answers from a chunk that is eval=F, you will need to load them back in. Ideally this will be done behind the scenes by setting echp=F for the chunk that just loads.
?? You can just keep adding questions in this format ??