Regions may be added to “Regions of interest”.
These act as bookmarks for areas of particular interest.
Bookmarks can be added by:
Using gene lists you can visualise several genes concurrently.
class: inverse, center, middle
Example Sample information file
Sample information can include discrete and continuous.
Can be used to “sort” and “filter” tracks.
Can split tracks across panels by “group”
** Load data from a URL ** - As with UCSC, IGV supports data hosted on external servers. - Data accessible from a URL such as HTTP and FTP can be loaded using “File” > “Load from URL”.
Try: “”
** Load data from a server (IGV/Encode servers)**
Unlike UCSC, IGV comes with few external tracks.
External tracks (relevant to the genome) can be loaded from the IGV server or Encode-IGV server.
class: inverse, center, middle
IGV associates common file formats with default display methods.
Most of the time IGV will make a sensible choice how we wish to display data.
IGV allows for customization of track display.
“View” > “Preferences”
Select track (right click)
** General **
** Tracks **
** Alignments **
** Graph/interval files** - Track colour/appearance
** Graph/interval files** - Graph type
Data Scaling
Autoscaling adjusts to track’s visible signal maximum.
class: inverse, center, middle
IGV can be used to combine tracks