class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # RU Genome Assembly, Session 2
### Rockefeller University, The Vertebrate Genome Lab ###
--- <div style="font-size:30px;background-image: url('imgs/bg.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size: 796px; text-align:center; height=600px; padding:200px 0 400px 0" width=100%><b>Genome assembly:<br/>Evaluation</b></div> --- ## Synopsis <ol> <li>Estimation of genome parameters (Genomescope)</li> <li>General assembly metrics (contiguity, quality)</li> <li>Assembly completeness (BUSCO)</li> <li>Structural accuracy</li> <li>Kmer multiplicity (false duplications, missing kmers)</li> <li>Switch rates</li> <li>WGA (D-Genies, Mummer, Cactus)</li> <ol> --- ## 1. Genome parameters Unrivalled software for assembly-free estimates is Genomescope (v2.0, 2020) <img src="imgs/gs1.png" width=49% /> <img src="imgs/gs2.png" width=49% /> --- ## What is a genome assembly? A genome assembly is the entire genomic sequence derived through a _de novo_ (i.e. reference-free) assembly process of the raw sequencing reads and released by the curators of the genome in the database upon publication. - Until now a single ‘reference’ individual or pooled individuals in a single reference. - Haploid. - Sometimes alternative alleles reported as variants. - Haplotigs were often completely shuffled as it is unfeasible to determine long blocks of haplotype with NGS. - Sometimes more than one assembly is present. --- ## The primary assembly The Primary Assembly constitutes what Genbank curators consider the most up-to-date source for the genomic sequence for this reference. When available, this is the first result being shown. Picking a random human gene, the Primary Assembly normally refers to the human genome assembly ‘GRCh38’ (Genome Reference Consortium human build n. 38), the latest release of the long list of high-quality assemblies for the human genome generated since 2001. <img src="imgs/assembly1.png" width=100% /> --- ## The primary assembly <img src="imgs/assembly2.png" width=100% /> --- ## 2. Contiguity <img src="imgs/assembly3.png" width=100% /> --- ## 2. Contiguity <img src="imgs/assembly4.jpg" width=100% /> --- ## 2. Quality (QV) <div style="text-align:center"> <img src="imgs/qv1.png" width=60% /> <img src="imgs/qv2.png" width=60% /> </div> --- ## 3. BUSCO scores <div style="text-align:center"> <img src="imgs/busco.png" width=80% /> </div> --- ## 4. Structural accuracy <div style="text-align:center"> <img src="imgs/hic2.png" width=70% /> </div> --- ## 5. Kmer multiplicity <div style="text-align:center"> <img src="imgs/kmer_multiplicity1.png" width=70% /> </div> --- ## 5. Kmer multiplicity <div style="text-align:center"> <img src="imgs/kmer_multiplicity2.png" width=70% /> </div> --- ## 6. Switch error rate <div style="text-align:center"> <img src="imgs/switch1.png" width=70% /> <img src="imgs/switch2.png" width=70% /> </div> --- ## Many tools, one pipeline <img src="imgs/GEP.png" width=100% />