In todays session we will work with some of the RNAseq data of adult mouse tissues from Bing Ren’s lab, Liver and Heart.


1. Differential Transcript Usage

We have run the DEXseq workflow to compare Heart and Liver. Load the DEXseqResults object called dxr1 (found in data/dxr_HeartVsLiver.RData) and make a plot of the differential splicing for the Atp2a2 gene.


dxr1DF <-
dxr1DF <- dxr1DF[order(dxr1DF$pvalue),]
eToSym <- AnnotationDbi::select(,
                 keys = unique(dxr1DF[,1]),
                 keytype = "ENTREZID",
## 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
annotatedRes <- merge(eToSym,dxr1DF,
annotatedRes <- annotatedRes[order(annotatedRes$pvalue),]
##       ENTREZID SYMBOL featureID exonBaseMean  dispersion     stat        pvalue
## 10613    22003   Tpm1      E001     117.4021 0.009979611 790.0469 7.871657e-174
## 3297     12870     Cp      E026      72.2033 0.003310883 715.7727 1.111406e-157
## 2345     11938 Atp2a2      E002     651.1539 0.014388628 389.7594  9.338217e-87
##                padj    Heart    Liver log2fold_Liver_Heart genomicData.seqnames
## 10613 1.522772e-169 1.030876 3.134205             7.127092                 chr9
## 3297  1.075007e-153 2.429502 1.079348            -4.605220                 chr3
## 2345   6.021594e-83 2.146096 3.454840             4.357391                 chr5
##       genomicData.start genomicData.end genomicData.width genomicData.strand
## 10613          67022593        67023441               849                  -
## 3297           20008540        20009750              1211                  +
## 2345          122455893       122457302              1410                  -
##       countData.Sorted_Heart_1.bam countData.Sorted_Heart_2.bam
## 10613                          174                          139
## 3297                           156                          112
## 2345                           985                          829
##       countData.Sorted_Liver_1.bam countData.Sorted_Liver_2.bam  transcripts
## 10613                           80                           97 uc009qfo....
## 3297                            25                           21   uc008osc.2
## 2345                           505                          403   uc008zlj.2
plotDEXSeq(dxr1,11938,fitExpToVar = "tissue",displayTranscripts = TRUE)

2. Differential Transcript Usage

Load the RangedSummarizedExperiment object called tissueExonCounts (found in data/RSE_HeartAndLiver.RData). Perform a differential exon analysis. Make a plot of the gene containing the most significantly differentially used exon.


ddxTissue <- DEXSeqDataSetFromSE(tissueExonCounts,
                      design= ~ sample + exon + tissue:exon)
## converting counts to integer mode
ddxTissue <- DEXSeq(ddxTissue,fitExpToVar = "tissue")
## -- note: fitType='parametric', but the dispersion trend was not well captured by the
##    function: y = a/x + b, and a local regression fit was automatically substituted.
##    specify fitType='local' or 'mean' to avoid this message next time.
ddxTissue <- ddxTissue[order(ddxTissue$pvalue),]
plotDEXSeq(ddxTissue,16561,fitExpToVar = "tissue",displayTranscripts = TRUE)